Class mixins are a pattern for sharing code between classes using standard JavaScript. As opposed to "has-a" composition patterns like reactive controllers, where a class can own a controller to add behavior, mixins implement "is-a" composition, where the mixin causes the class itself to be an instance of the behavior being shared.
You can use mixins to customize a Lit component by adding API or overriding its lifecycle callbacks.
Mixins can be thought of as "subclass factories" that override the class they are applied to and return a subclass, extended with the behavior in the mixin. Because mixins are implemented using standard JavaScript class expressions, they can use all of the idioms available to subclassing, such as adding new fields/methods, overriding existing superclass methods, and using super.
For ease of reading, the samples on this page elide some of the TypeScript types for mixin functions. See Mixins in TypeScript for details on proper typing of mixins in TypeScript.
To define a mixin, write a function that takes a superClass, and returns a new class that extends it, adding fields and methods as needed:
/* class fields & methods to extend superClass with */
To apply a mixin, simply pass a class to generate a subclass with the mixin applied. Most commonly, users will apply the mixin directly to a base class when defining a new class:
classMyElementextendsMyMixin(LitElement) {
/* user code */
Mixins can also be used to create concrete subclasses that users can then extend like a normal class, where the mixin is an implementation detail:
Because class mixins are a standard JavaScript pattern and not Lit-specific, there is a good deal of information in the community on leveraging mixins for code reuse. For more reading on mixins, here are a few good references:
Dedupe mixin library by open-wc, including a discussion of when mixin usage may lead to duplication, and how to use a deduping library to avoid it.
Mixin conventions followed by Elix web component library. While not Lit-specific, contains thoughtful suggestions around applying conventions when defining mixins for web components.
Mixins applied to LitElement can implement or override any of the standard custom element lifecycle callbacks like the constructor() or connectedCallback(), as well as any of the reactive update lifecycle callbacks like render() or updated().
For example, the following mixin would log when the element is created, connected, and updated:
Note that a mixin should always make a super call to the standard custom element lifecycle methods implemented by LitElement. When overriding a reactive update lifecycle callback, it is good practice to call the super method if it already exists on the superclass (as shown above with the optional-chaining call to super.updated?.()).
Also note that mixins can choose to do work either before or after the base implementation of the standard lifecycle callbacks via its choice of when to make the super call.
The mixin in the example below adds a highlight reactive property to the element and a renderHighlight() method that the user can call to wrap some content. The wrapped content is styled yellow when the highlight property/attribute is set.
Note in the example above, the user of the mixin is expected to call the renderHighlight() method from their render() method, as well as take care to add the static styles defined by the mixin to the subclass styles. The nature of this contract between mixin and user is up to the mixin definition and should be documented by the mixin author.
You should constrain the superClass argument to the type of class you expect users to extend, if any. This can be accomplished using a generic Constructor helper type as shown below:
returnMyMixinClassas/* see "typing the subclass" below */;
The above example ensures that the class being passed to the mixin extends from LitElement, so that your mixin can rely on callbacks and other API provided by Lit.
Although TypeScript has basic support for inferring the return type for the subclass generated using the mixin pattern, it has a severe limitation in that the inferred class must not contain members with private or protected access modifiers.
Because LitElement itself does have private and protected members, by default TypeScript will error with "Property '...' of exported class expression may not be private or protected." when returning a class that extends LitElement.
There are two workarounds that both involve casting the return type from the mixin function to avoid the error above.
When a mixin does not add new public/protected API
If your mixin only overrides LitElement methods or properties and does not add any new API of its own, you can simply cast the generated class to the super class type T that was passed in:
// Cast return type to the superClass type passed in
When a mixin adds new public/protected API
If your mixin does add new protected or public API that you need users to be able to use on their class, you need to define the interface for the mixin separately from the implementation, and cast the return type as the intersection of your mixin interface and the super class type:
Due to limitations of TypeScript's type system, decorators (such as @property()) must be applied to a class declaration statement and not a class expression.
In practice this means mixins in TypeScript need to declare a class and then return it, rather than return a class expression directly from the arrow function.