Lit templates can include dynamic values called expressions. An expression can be any JavaScript expression. The expression is evaluated when the template is evaluated, and the result of the expression is included when the template renders. In a Lit component, this means whenever the render method is called.
Expressions can only be placed in specific locations in the template, and how an expression is interpreted depends on where it appears. Expressions inside the element tag itself affect the element. Expressions inside the element's content, where child nodes go, render child nodes or text.
Valid values for expressions differ based on where the expression occurs. Generally all expressions accept primitive values like strings and numbers, and some expressions support additional value types. In addition, all expressions can accept directives, which are special functions that customize the way an expression is processed and rendered. See Custom directives for more information.
Here's a quick reference followed by more detailed information about each expression type.
This basic example shows a variety of different kinds of expressions.
The following sections describe each kind of expression in more detail. For more information about the structure of templates, see Well-formed HTML and Valid expression locations.
Primitives values like strings, numbers, booleans, null, and undefined are converted to strings when interpolated into text content or attribute values. They are checked for equality with the previous value so the DOM is not updated if the value hasn't changed.
Any DOM node can be passed to a child expression. Typically DOM nodes should be rendered by specifying a template using html, but a DOM node can be directly rendered like this when needed. The node is attached to the DOM tree at that point, and so removed from any current parent:
An expression can also return an array or iterable of any of the supported types, in any combination. You can use this feature along with standard JavaScript like the Array map method to create repeating templates and lists. For examples, see Lists.
Since attribute values are always strings, the expression should return a value that can be converted into a string.
If the expression makes up the entire attribute value, you can leave off the quotes. If the expression makes up only part of the attribute value, you need to quote the entire value:
In this example both the this.imagePath and this.imageFile properties must be defined for the src attribute to be set. A value is considered defined if it is not null or undefined.
To set a boolean attribute, use the ? prefix with the attribute name. The attribute is added if the expression evaluates to a truthy value, removed if it evaluates to a falsy value:
html`<div ?hidden=${!this.showAdditional}>This text may be hidden.</div>`;
You can set a JavaScript property on an element using the . prefix and the property name:
You can use this syntax to pass complex data down the tree to subcomponents. For example, if you have a my-list component with a listItems property, you could pass it an array of objects:
Note that the property name in this example—listItems—is mixed case. Although HTML attributes are case-insensitive, Lit preserves the case for property names when it processes the template.
Templates can also include declarative event listeners. Use the prefix @ followed by the event name. The expression should evaluate to an event listener.
This is similar to calling addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler) on the button element.
The event listener can be either a plain function, or an object with a handleEvent method — the same as the listener argument to the standard addEventListener method.
In a Lit component, the event listener is automatically bound to the component, so you can use the this value inside the handler to refer to the component instance.
clickHandler() {
For more information about component events, see Events.
Lit templates must be well-formed HTML. The templates are parsed by the browser's built-in HTML parser before any values are interpolated. Follow these rules for well-formed templates:
Templates must be well-formed HTML when all expressions are replaced by empty values.
Templates can have multiple top-level elements and text.
Templates should not contain unclosed elements—they will be closed by the HTML parser.
// When joined, "more text" does not end up in .broken-div
consttemplate2=html`${template1} more text. </div>`;
Because the browser's built-in parser is very lenient, most cases of malformed templates are not detectable at runtime, so you won't see warnings—just templates that don't behave as you expect. We recommend using linting tools and IDE plugins to find issues in your templates during development.
Expressions should generally not appear in the following locations:
Where tag or attribute names would appear. Lit does not support dynamically changing values in this position and will error in development mode.
<!-- ERROR -->
<!-- ERROR -->
<div ${attrName}=true></div>
Inside <template> element content (attribute expressions on the template element itself are allowed). Lit does not recurse into template content to dynamically update expressions and will error in development mode.
Inside <textarea> element content (attribute expressions on the textarea element itself are allowed). Note that Lit can render content into textarea, however editing the textarea will break references to the DOM that Lit uses to dynamically update, and Lit will warn in development mode. Instead, bind to the .value property of textarea.
Inside HTML comments. Lit will not update expressions in comments, and the expressions will instead be rendered with a Lit token string. However, this will not break subsequent expressions, so commenting out blocks of HTML during development that may contain expressions is safe.
Note that expressions in all the invalid cases above are valid when using static expressions, although these should not be used for performance-sensitive updates due to the inefficiencies involved (see below).
Static expressions return special values that are interpolated into the template before the template is processed as HTML by Lit. Because they become part of the template's static HTML, they can be placed anywhere in the template - even where expressions would normally be disallowed, such as in attribute and tag names.
To use static expressions, you must import a special version of the html or svg template tags from Lit's static-html module:
import {html, literal} from'lit/static-html.js';
The static-html module contains html and svg tag functions which support static expressions and should be used instead of the standard versions provided in the lit module. Use the literal tag function to create static expressions.
You can use static expressions for configuration options that are unlikely to change or for customizing parts of the template you cannot with normal expressions - see the section on Valid expression locations for details. For example, a my-button component might render a <button> tag, but a subclass might render an <a> tag, instead. This is a good place to use a static expression because the setting does not change frequently and customizing an HTML tag cannot be done with a normal expression.
Changing the value of static expressions is expensive. Expressions using literal values should not change frequently, as they cause a new template to be re-parsed and each variation is held in memory.
In the example above, if the template re-renders and this.caption or change, Lit updates the template efficiently, only changing the affected expressions. However, if this.tag or this.activeAttribute change, since they are static values tagged with literal, an entirely new template is created; the update is inefficient since the DOM is completely re-rendered. In addition, changing literal values passed to expressions increases memory use since each unique template is cached in memory to improve re-render performance.
For these reasons, it's a good idea keep changes to expressions using literal to a minimum and avoid using reactive properties to change literal values, since reactive properties are intended to change.
After static values have been interpolated, the template must be well-formed like normal Lit templates, otherwise the dynamic expressions in the template might not function properly. See the Well-formed HTML section for more information.
In rare cases, you may need to interpolate static HTML into a template that is not defined in your script, and thus cannot be tagged with the literal function. For these cases, the unsafeStatic() function can be used to create static HTML based on strings from non-script sources.
Only for trusted content. Note the use of unsafe in unsafeStatic(). The string passed to unsafeStatic() must be developer-controlled and not include untrusted content, because it will be parsed directly as HTML with no sanitization. Examples of untrusted content include query string parameters and values from user inputs. Untrusted content rendered with this directive could lead to cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
classMyButtonextendsLitElement {
@property() caption='Hello static';
@property({type: Boolean}) active=false;
render() {
// These strings MUST be trusted, otherwise this is an XSS vulnerability
Note that the behavior of using unsafeStatic carries the same caveats as literal: because changing values causes a new template to be parsed and cached in memory, they should not change frequently.